Be Intentional

Nishisksi Chandler

We are always manifesting. Wherever your energy and thoughts are focused, is the mindset you are manifesting from. If you are stuck in feelings of lack and negativity, you will manifest more of the same into your life. The key to manifesting more of what you want is cultivating the feeling of already having it. Follow these simple steps and you will be on the road to more abundance, prosperity and the life of your dreams. Get clear about what you want. You need to know what you want in order to get it. Most people focus only on what...

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Taking Inspired Action

Nishisksi Chandler

It is easy in this day and age to forget that we are co-creators with the Universe. We are all too often taught to look outside of ourselves for answers and assistance. This mindset frequently leads to a mental numbness when we receive a download or intuitive nudge to take action on our desires. “Ask and it shall be given unto you” What we don’t realize is that usually the avenue to receive is through an inspired action that we need to take. Here is a simple example. Your desire is to hit the lottery. You feel strongly about a...

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Manifesting with Intention is a Lifestyle.

Nishisksi Chandler

When people first begin manifesting with intention they usually are trying to bring about drastic changes to their current situation. Frequently they don’t experience success because they are unwilling to change their lifestyle in preparation to receive their desires. Your current situation is created by your current mindset. In order to receive and maintain the life of your dreams there are some fundamental changes within you that must take place. You must take the time to get clear and focused. Not just one time but daily. Multiple times a day if necessary. Manifestation starts with you. Maintaining clarity and a...

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How to use your manifestation checks to bring more abundance and fulfillment into your life.

Nishisksi Chandler

Use your checks to activate the Law of Assumption, Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance in your life. We offer checks that are powerful tools for manifesting more prosperity. Whether you seek to make money doing what you love, grow your investments, or attract more financial favor, we have a check that can help. Select the check book that corresponds with the desired energy that you want to work with as you manifest. Once you receive your manifestation checks here is a brief list of ways to use them. Filling out your check. Fill out your checks with...

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